Wednesday 27 January 2016

Crushing bones with muscle!

Madison Moore, more like Madison you need Less steroids!
The girl can’t one say without working out and it shows. She may look good in the gym doing that but when she gets naked she has a protruding stomach, and ungodly large thighs, and boy are they muscular but not attractive. Unless you are a submissive dude you may want to run because the girl could crush your skull between her thighs. If you don’t have the looks at least have the dance ability, which she also does not have. Though she is wonderful to talk to, her looks do not match.

Dance Ability                                   4
Sexiness                                         2
Floor Work                                      6
Pole Work                                       2
Crowd Involvement                          6
Personality                                      7

Email us to tell us your stripper story, rating, and rants!!


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